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Ken - Brighton Folk series
The Wait
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Bright•on |ˈbrītn|

a resort town on the southern coast of England; pop. 133,400.

folk |fōk| (also folks)

plural noun

1 informal people in general : some folk will do anything for money | an old folks' home.

  • • a specified group of people : some city folk cringe at the notion of consuming these birds.
  • • ( folks) used as a friendly form of address to a group of people : meanwhile, folks, why not relax and enjoy the show?
  • • ( one's folks) the members of one's family, esp. one's parents : I get along all right with your folks.

2 folk music : a mixture of folk and reggae.


1 adjective [ attrib. ] of or relating to the traditional art or culture of a community or nation : a revival of interest in folk customs | a folk museum.

  • • relating to or originating from the beliefs and opinions of ordinary people : a folk hero | folk wisdom.

2 of or relating to folk music : performing at a folk club in Chicago.

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